Tuesday, February 5, 2008


God's will. Nothing less; nothing more; nothing else. ~St. Elizabeth Anne Seton

Christ,be in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ, be in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me.
Christ be in every eye that sees me,
In every ear that hears me;
I want to be like you.

What really matters in life is that we love Christ and are loved by him in return. In comparison with the love of Jesus, everything else is secondary. And without the love of Jesus, everything else is useless.- Pope John Paul II

"I think the world today is upside-down, and is suffering so much, because there is so very little love in the homes and in family life. We have no time for our children, we have no time for each other; there is no time to enjoy each other. If we could only bring back into our lives the life that Jesus, Mary, and Joseph lived in Nazareth, if we could make our homes another Nazareth, I think that peace and joy would reign in the world." -Mother Teresa

Take Lord, recieve all my liberty. Take my will, my understanding, my entire self. Give me only your love and your grace, for that is enough for me. ~St. Ignatius of Loyola

"Whatever your work is... put your heart into it... It is Christ the Lord that you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24

"Serve God joyfully. Let there be no sadness in your life: the only true sorrow is sin."Mother Theresa of Calcutta

1 comment:

Mirjam said...

Hello Marina,

I am glad to see your blog, dear catholic sister.

God bless you

Marina(Mirjam) from Hungary